| Welcome to the Augusta Community Caring CenterVolunteers helping our community and moreRobinson Community Center, Augusta, Kansas (316) 775-3342 Hours: Monday 4:00 - 6:00, Wednesday and Friday 1:00 - 4:00 |
What is the Augusta Community Caring Center?
The Augusta Community Caring Center is a nonprofit organization sponsored by the Augusta Ministerial Alliance. We are not a government agency and are operated completely by volunteers. Our mission is to provide food and clothing to any Butler County resident and utility assistance to the people of Augusta when they need it. Recently we have expanded operations to provide as much food as possible to Butler County residents via these Special Programs.
What does the Caring Center do?
Boxes of food, at no cost to Butler County residents, are provided for those in need up to 6 times per year. Augusta households can also request up to $100 annually towards utilities. Assistance with utilities is based on the funds the Caring Center has available at the time of request. Clothing and household items are provided to residents in need from all of Butler County. The Caring Center no longer carries furniture. All assistance is per household. For an individual or household to receive help from the Caring Center, an adult person representing the household need only come in during times the center is open with proof of address. They will be asked to fill out a form with their name, address, number and ages of persons in the household and other basic information for our records. This form can be completed at the Caring Center or here.
Where is the Caring Center?
The Caring Center is located at the Robinson Wellness Center, 1301 Helen, Augusta, Kansas. Our entrance is in the northwest corner of the building.
Do you only help Augusta residents?
No, we have other food assistance programs for all of Butler County. Check out our Special Programs. Our clothing is available to anyone in Butler County. Sorry, but utility assistance is for Augusta residents only.
When is the Caring Center open?
The Caring Center is open from 4-6 on Mondays and 1-4 on Wednesday and Friday.
Where does the Caring Center get money, food and clothing?
Financial, food and other donations are provided by the community and the churches who are members of the Augusta Ministerial Alliance. Churches, civic organizations, schools and the U.S. Post Office sponsor food drives on a regular basis to keep our pantry full. Financial donations are provided by churches, businesses and individuals in the community. The Augusta Dillons and WalMart provide donations of food to the Center on a daily basis. However, most food is purchased by the Caring Center from Dillons, WalMart or the Kansas Food Bank. Clothing is donated by the residents of Augusta and almost all of the rest of Butler County.
How can I help?
Volunteers are always needed!!!! To volunteer please email the Caring Center at: caringcenter@att.net or click on Volunteer form and fill out the form. When we get the completed form we will be in touch. You can also respond via Facebook, call 316-775-3342 (calls are only accepted when open) or stop in when open at 1301 Helen. Come join the fun while helping the community by volunteering at the Augusta Community Caring Center!
How can I donate?
Drop offs can be left during times The Center is open. You can also send monetary donations to us at 1301 Helen Box 3, Augusta, KS 67010. Want an easy way to help? Since we are a 501(c)3 organization, the Dillons community awards program is also an option. Tie your Dillons card to us and we receive a rebate when you buy your groceries. The cost of our rebate is NOT added to your purchase. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking here PayPal.
Have more questions?
Send an email to caringcenter@att.net or call (316) 775-3342 when we are open or click here. We will get back to you as soon as we can.